Exercise or Diet: Which is More Important for Weight Loss?

It’s frequently debated whether exercise or diet is a more critical factor when it comes to losing weight. Of course, for a well-rounded and balanced weight loss plan, exercise and diet modification are both a necessary part of your day-to-day routine. However, there does seem to be one that has the leg up on the other in terms of its effect on weight loss.

Exercise or diet?

Looking at the exercise or diet question from an “either, or” point of view, most experts agree that diet is more important. Although exercise is essential for improving circulation, maintaining healthy joints, and building and supporting muscles, where weight loss is concerned, diet has the advantage.

Many avid exercisers may dispute this, but people typically don’t become overweight or obese because they spend too little time exercising. It is generally because of the types and amounts of food they consume each day. As an example, consider bariatric surgery. A smaller stomach and inability to consume as many calories after the operation leads to weight loss.

Using both diet and exercise to your advantage

Ideally, a balanced mix of diet and exercise can work together to help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain a strong and flexible body. Still, good health is a much larger issue than the numbers you see on the bathroom scale. Losing weight doesn’t mean you will be a healthy person, so it’s best to make a point of incorporating both exercise, dietary changes, and other lifestyle considerations into your daily routine.

When you start altering your eating habits and getting more exercise, you can create new daily habits that can be easier to stick to over the long haul. If you haven’t exercised for years, and you have quite a bit of weight to lose, you can start by simply establishing a daily walking routine to get headed in the right direction.

Nutrition tips for weight loss

If you, like most people, get confused and overwhelmed easily by all the diet products and weight loss advice out there, a few simple actions can make a significant difference. By simply eating more slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, and putting your fork down in between mouthfuls, you may eat less and lose weight. Plus, you can also lower your caloric intake by if you quit eating as soon as you begin to feel full.

Next, people in the know advocate replacing the highly-processed foods with real, whole foods. Consume lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and add in portions of whole grains, legumes, nuts, nonfat dairy products, lean meats, and seafood. When you go out or go to work, take good food with you, so you aren’t tempted to quash your hunger with drive-through and vending machine offerings.

And finally, the one-size-fits-all nutrition plan is non-existent. It’s best to make a nutrition plan you can live with for life, instead of going for a quick-fix gimmick. If you would like professional help with nutrition planning and achieving your weight loss goals, contact a wellness center in your local area for assistance.

4 Daily Habits for a Happier and Healthier Life

Daily habits of living a happier and healthier life aren’t as hard to implement as you might think. It’s about establishing the right routine, practicing it, being mindful of it, and being consistent with it. To be your best self, you will likely want to learn how to create habits that are emotionally and physically supportive.

For many people, happiness doesn’t come easily. They tend to look to external things like how financially successful or how attractive they are and think that when they achieve those physical or financial goals, they’ll be happy. Yet, both rich and beautiful people are prone to suicide and drug addiction, just like anyone else.

Many people are looking for something more substantial. Something much deeper and more profound than what exists on the surface. Even being uber healthy doesn’t necessarily bring a sense of joy, but studies demonstrate that there is a link between health and happiness. If you’re ready to make life adjustments for a more blissful, hale, and hearty life, here are four daily habits that can help.

  • Eat Healthily

You probably know that a healthy diet is best for your body, but what you may not know is that what you eat has a lot to do with whether you’re happy or not. Consuming highly-processed and comforting foods like pasta or sweets may give you an initial boost, but it can affect your mood adversely later.

  • Spend Time in Nature

Walking outdoors and being surrounded by the natural world can help to make you happier and healthier. Grounding yourself in nature and feeling the earth or sand under your feet can enhance your mood significantly. Merely spending time in nature can be a substantial stress reliever. Taking in the fresh air, sunshine, and the beauty of nature can help you to feel peaceful and relaxed.

  • Practice Mindfulness

Too often, people go through the day on autopilot without really paying much attention to what they’re doing. With the onset of smartphones and the digital age, many people are connected with their screens and disconnected from what’s happening both inside and outside of themselves. That can have a significant effect on happiness and well-being, as the rising suicide and depression rate in teens demonstrates.

Mindfulness practice can help you develop awareness on an entirely different level. You actively observe and experience life rather than sleepwalk through it. Consider putting the phone away and focusing mindfully on the experience of what you’re doing. Check in with yourself and the feelings and thoughts associated with what is happening here and now. Start your practice at five minutes a day and increase it gradually.

  • Nurture Yourself

At times, the world can be stressful and toxic, which is why nurturing yourself is so essential. If you are exhausted and spent from the daily grind, and it is not favorable for your health and happiness. Good self-care habits are great, but you should also add nourishing love into the mix. Nurturing yourself includes speaking kindly to yourself, setting healthy boundaries, and putting yourself first when necessary.

If you need help putting these or other healthy habits into action, a practitioner at your local wellness center can offer you the guidance and support you might need. Schedule an appointment with a wellness professional today.